Alternate is an ongoing, performance-based voice and video collaboration between Jessie Scott and Alice Hui-Sheng Chang. Long time friends and collaborators, they have contributed to each others work since university. The first iteration of this more formal, focussed project together was a residency as part of the “Today Your Love” program at West Space in September 2011.

In January 2012, Alice and Jessie came back and staged a short run of sold-out performances of the participatory, live art performance which they had developed during the residency.

Another iteration of the participatory version of the project happened at Community Hall, NGV, as part of MelbourneNOW in December 2013.  In September 2016, elements of the project were staged as an installation at Howl Space in Tainan, Taiwan.

The improvised performance version of Alternate involves manually combining separate video projections on a single screen, (live video feeds of Alice’s face ), improvised, manual manipulation of the light source, and experimental, improvised vocal performance. Alice and Jessie continue to work towards a strong improvised practice, with image responding to voice, and voice to image in seamless, expansive exchange.

Most recently, they performed together at Overhea[r]d, a live sound and projection night curated by Clinton Green in November, 2016 at LongPlay.

Past gigs have included: the 2014 NOW now festival in Sydney, Voice/Presence/Absence conference at UTS in Sydney in 2013, supporting Mike Majkowski at Avant Whatever,  Michael Prior and Eamon Sprod‘s Odious Pegboard series at Tape Projects, and as part of Kynan Tan‘s Multiplicity national tour.

Documentation of Alternate performance at Odious Pegboard, Tape Projects 2012


